My favorite elective subjects. Are they connected to my future?”

It has been 3 years since I’ve partly devoted myself to learning Spanish. Spanish is the predominant language in South America, and it is for that particular reason that I am learning it. Spanish is also the second most spoken language in The United States of America, thanks to the Mexicans. Spain is also a country where a shameless monarchy is present, and in my revolutionary, socialist opinion (spoiler alert) must be removed and must be met with the same fate as the Romanov’s at once. While I was reading “Homage to Catalonia”, I started ascertaining that communists weren’t that bad overall, and mostly it was the Bolshevik’s disrupting and muddying their name. Glory to P.O.U.M.! Spain was an absolute monarchy, then a democratic republic, then a communist based country, then a fascist state, and now a constitutional monarchy, truly fascinating. Spanish comes from Latin hence way there are so many similarities with Portuguese. For my future job as an attorney at law, I can safely conjecture that I will need Spanish. I also really want to travel throughout Latin America, which is very impoverished, thanks to the CIA.

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